On my last day at FCL, I can barely believe that Annabelle is just two months away from turning the “Big #1.” The past year has been full of challenges and I am happy to say the good days have outnumbered the bad. In facing the challenges of being a full-time workin’ mamma I actually found myself becoming more focused and therefore more productive in my work as a librarian. This success, however, was not wrought solely by me – I never could have made it through the last year without the love of my sweetheart Josh, and the support from all my coworkers. The magnitude of FCL staff’s generosity is beyond words.
All working parents pay a price. We either put less emphasis on our careers in favor of our children or we spend less time with our children in order to keep our careers charging ahead – it is a difficult balance. The decision to resign from the ‘one, the only Flathead County Library,’ was not easy. There is no doubt that becoming a parent changes you, and as I wrap up my ‘lasts’ here in the Flathead, I feel confident in my family’s future – fearless! In many ways my new job of ‘stay-at-home-mom’ will be more challenging than anything the library world could have thrown at me. Yet, knowing this move is the right balance for my family has achieved a degree of peace that no Master’s of Library Science can touch.
To Everyone – Thank You – Shine On!