Monday, November 26, 2007

check it out! films

After a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, 17 of us (a golf professional, home economics teacher, insurance salesman, wheatfarmer, horsewoman, classics professor, homemaker, flight attendant, librarian, student, IT professional, etc) sat around the table and one by one told the others what we'd want to be if we weren't what we were now. The kids got to say what they want to be when they grow up. Having just watched Carlos Saura's Blood Wedding, I announced that I would like to be a flamenco dancer. Watch the movie and you'll understand why. Saura's Flamenco Trilogy--Blood Wedding, Carmen, and El Amor Brujo--was recently released as a Criterion Collection Eclipse series. This first film is incredible--whether or not you appreciate dance you'll be amazed at the beauty of the dancers, the beauty of the dance, the beauty of the music, and the incredible camera work that captures it all.

"Carlos Saura began what would become his trilogy with this depiction of a single dress rehearsal for choreographer Antonio Gades's adaptation of poet/playwright Federico Garcia Lorca's tale of passionate revenge. No mere recording of a ballet, Bodas de sangre (Blood Wedding) uses gripping camerawork and heart-pounding rhythmic editing to evoke the experience of moving with the dancers every step of the way."

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