Sunday, January 13, 2008

Audio Books to the rescue!

I recently trekked to Seattle for a residency at the University of Washington, as did 2 other Flathead County Library staff members. As I putted my way to the West Coast, I listened to audio books that I checked out before I left. They were wonderful and cured me not only from boredom but from stress. I was stuck on the east side of Snoqualmie Pass because of avalanche control members in progress. I pulled to the side of the road and cross-country skied down the freeway ditch. When I was tired of that, I popped my Audio Book back in and hung out with the truck drivers. Thanks Audio Books, y'all are my heroes!


kc said...

Wonderful photo!

Skeeter said...

Audio books are great, especially on the long trips one has to take in this state. I have listened to many of the Selected Shorts books on CD, some Westerns and the latest was a David Sideris. You have to be careful tho, getting caught up in the book can distract you attention at times. I almost hit a gargantuan owl on the road in the Swan late one night.

Catherine McMullen said...

I like to listen to audio books when I quilt or cook. It is a great way to hear great stories while your hands are busy.