Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Six days and counting....

Summer vacation is right around the corner for a lot of the kids and teens in the valley and that means we are getting ready to launch the 2009 Summer Reading Program. You can visit any of our libraries to register, beginning next Monday, June 15. If you have any creative juices flowing, this summer's program will be perfect for you! "Be Creative @ your library" is the theme for children and the teen theme is "Express Yourself @ your library." After you read enough to get a prize, extra hours will go toward our Readers to the Rescue program. This year we will be supporting an organization in the valley called "Human Therapy on Horseback" .

In addition to tracking the amount of reading you do, we will also offer many programs this summer. You can pick up a schedule at your library or check out the summer reading link on our website. Just go to the Kids page of the library website, click on "Summer Reading", and then click on the "Programs" or "Teens" link. In addition to activities like painting, dancing, and playing with clay, we will have a program about a form of storytelling from Japan called kamishibai. There will be some special guests popping in once in a while, too. Teens will get a chance to practice their origami skills or see who is the Guitar Hero champion! There will be lots of things going for kids of all ages so please join us!

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